
Photography and filmmaking

Sarah Wyatt
Communities Building Youth Futures
Whitehorse, YT
Agnieszka Pajor
Shakat Media Inc.
Whitehorse, YT
Project Concept:
Learning the basics of documentary filmmaking on site at the Yukon Youth Summit. Learning camera handling, interviewing skills and editing.
Mentorship style:
Job-shadowing, hands on filming, interviewing, photo and video editing
Sarah Wyatt

I am a nature enthusiast hailing from the picturesque Whitehorse Yukon. Growing up, I spent countless hours at my grandparents' cabin on Little Salmon Lake, which I consider one of the most beautiful places in the world. My love for the outdoors began during those days, as I explored the wilderness and marveled at its extraordinary beauty.

My passion for photography was ignited when I received a tiny digital Sony camera for my 10th birthday. With this new tool in hand, I ventured into the bushes to capture images of everything that caught my eye. From then on, I became inseparable from my camera, spending every day outside and documenting the stunning landscapes around me.

Agnieszka Pajor

I was a teenager when I took a camera into my hands for the first time. Instantly, I was hooked.  After decades of experimentation and schooling, freelancing, hard work and now a full time position, I still have the very same curiosity for creating images that I felt when I held that camera for the first time.

I am now a full time filmmaker and manager at Shakat Media, a production company located in Whitehorse, Yukon.

My favourite type of work is shooting adventure films and documentaries but I also offer video and photography services for businesses, events and individuals.

In all this time, I have shot lifestyle, adventure, branding, commercial and portrait photography as well as cinematic commercials, corporate videos and documentary films.

Why this project?

“I am always the first person to grab onto an opportunity when I see one. Unfortunately growing up I didn’t get to participate in any sports or experience programs that were run outside of school. I always wanted to learn so much more than what the basic education system provided.

When I got my first Sony camera I was infatuated with being able to capture a moment in time within a photo or video. I enjoy being able to go back and look at photos or videos and reminisce over those great memories. This is why when Erin from Communities Building Youth Futures told me about this mentorship I didn’t hesitate one bit to say ‘I am in’! I thank every organization and person involved in making this happen for young people who otherwise would never have the chance.”

Sarah Wyatt

“Being a mentor to Sarah in the realm of photography and video was a gratifying experience. Witnessing her growth and passion flourish as she navigated the intricacies of technology, composition, lighting, and storytelling brought a profound sense of fulfillment. The collaborative journey allowed for not just the transfer of technical expertise but also the fostering of creativity and self-expression. Seeing Sarah evolve from a novice to a creator, capturing interviews with people she’s never met, using advanced cameras, underscored the joy of mentorship. It was a privilege to share knowledge, inspire innovation, and cultivate a skill set that extends far beyond the confines of the camera lens.”

Agnieszka Pajor
Core skills
  • Setting up and running cameras + audio equipment
  • Conducting interviews
  • Running a live stream
  • Photo editing
  • Video editing
Why this project?
Sarah Wyatt
Learning Pathway
  1. Sarah met with Nishka for a tutorial on:
  • how to use camera equipment including camera settings
  • how to set up with tripods and lights
  • what to think about when shooting such as composition, lighting, technical aspects, framing, and stylistic approach
  1. Sarah did hands on training during the Yukon Youth Summit and learned how to set up camera and audio equipment on site.
  1. Sarah developed interview questions and practiced carrying out interviews with Yukon Youth Summit attendees.
  2. She helped set up and monitored a livestream of the Yukon Youth Summit for viewers tuning in virtually.
  3. Lastly, Sarah learned about post-production photo and video-editing to process the Yukon Youth Summit footage. She used the photography software, Adobe Lightroom and video editing software DaVinci Resolve.
What’s the most important thing you learned?

“I think the most important part is just kind of pushing yourself to get out of your comfort zone, especially if you're doing interviews and stuff.

Try not to be afraid and just push yourself.

I think the best experience I had was actually being able to see myself grow in that little time period of... actually talking to strangers that I don't know, but questioning them on things, and really opening myself up to people as well.” -Sarah  

What’s next?

“It was definitely an awesome opportunity. Without this, I would never have been able to pursue this on my own because equipment is so expensive, and it's hard...

Before, like, I could definitely like to take pictures on my phone and edit them that way. But it's so great to actually know what everything means now. And what I'm actually doing when I'm changing the contrast to something or changing the focus... I don't plan to use it as a career but I love that I do have this in my back pocket, and now I have more opportunities to bring forward.

Me and my family, we go out on adventures a lot. We like to go hiking and I just love to capture the moment. And with these skills that I've learned now, I can really enhance, almost enhance the moment of what I'm living, and share it with others..” - Sarah

Tips, tricks and advice
Resources used
  • Camera equipment and photo and video editing software at Shakat Media in Whitehorse. Note: Shakat Media offers job shadowing for new filmmakers - contact lancelot@shakat.ca
  • A Yukon Film Society Production Membership for equipment rental for future projects
  • Adobe Lightroom software for photography editing and DaVinci Resolve
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Photography and filmmaking

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